2024 election seems to provide many wrong choices for women

Many women felt the 2023 movie “Barbie” highlighted the many contradictions we face. The powerful monologue by America Ferrera’s character in that movie was one of the most talked-about scenes from the film. Her monologue clearly defined the impossible double standards of being a woman. It hit a nerve with women of all political and … Continue reading 2024 election seems to provide many wrong choices for women

Republican women at a crossroads when it comes to voting values-driven priorities

The aftermath of the fall of Roe v. Wade has ushered in a new era of challenges and complexities for Republican women in the area of political decision-making in 2024. With 25 million women living in states with abortion bans or restrictions, the stakes are high, and values-driven voting is likely to be more critical … Continue reading Republican women at a crossroads when it comes to voting values-driven priorities